
Showing posts from January, 2014


e-learning is part of our generation education. So here is a list of Ebooks (our text books/reference books) to download. VHDL PRIMER _ BY J BHASKAR. download here. Fundamentals of DATA STRUCTURES by, Ellis Horowitz, Satraj Sahni. download here. Signal and Systems - Simon Haykin download here.

99 "Paper Presentation" topics to choose from!

Here are the list of Paper Presentation abstracts and theory which can be used for paper presentations.  Click on LINK BELOW to get the topics and references (abstracts). *** A ppt should be in POWERPOINT , all the data uploaded here are in PDF format for convenient sharing. So before presenting change it into PPT format. TOPICS COVERED ARE  1.        SATELLITES FOR AMATEUR RADIO 2.        IRIDIUM SATELLITE SYSTEM ULTIMATE WIRELES 3.        NANO MEDICINE 4.        BRAIN FINGERPRINT TECHNOLOGY 5.        SPACE SOLAR POWER 6.        SUPERWORMS AND CRYPTOVIROLOGY 7.        SOS TRANSMISSION (TO SAVE ACCIDENT ) 8.        SNIFFER FOR MOBILE (MOBILE TRACKING) 9.        DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING 10.    PARALLEL LOGIC SIMULATION OF VLSI 11.    ZIGBEE WIRELESS COMMUNICAITON 12.    SMART CARD SECURITY 13.    FINGER PRINT IDENTIFICATION.pdfWIFI & WIMAX 14.    SYSTEM ON CHI